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Learn Online Trading Fast

While online traders can ask a broker many questions about online trading through multiple emails or direct telephone contact, it is quite possible that the questions many investors ask can be answered during an online trading gathering that is organized at hotels in communities throughout America. At these trading events, people from all lifestyles can mingle with people who are likeminded and discuss online trading practices. Professionals and novice investors can develops strategies and become close friend. All of the trading information derived from these conversations lwill eventually save people a significant amount of money over time.

Some people use the trading information learned at online trading meetings to discover which brokerages provide the best services. This helpful information comes from people who have tested and tried many online trading options through internet trading portals. People attend these land-based trading sessions to learn online trading practices fast from people who make a good living by exploring online trading possibilities every day. It is much easier to make money through online trading practices when people learn the basics, and professional traders are happy to share the knowledge that comes from actual experience.

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It would be foolish for any investor to begin making online trading transactions using real funds before learning the basic concepts of online trading. Once the groundwork is in place, an online trader can achieve a greater amount of success when placing trades online among various world stock exchanges. The faster the learning process evolves into solid trading standards will mean big money to online traders with a significant amount of cash on hand. Newer methods of conducting online trades are disclosed to investment seekers every day. There are many topics to be elaborated on because online trading covers commodities sold throughout the world in a variety of formats.

Learning online trading principles fast is possible because all participates are notified promptly when training schedules are finalized. All participates in the online trading classes will know which topics will be discussed at every training session held throughout the year. The extra effort that event organizers put into providing participates with advance notification of class dates will be evident. Those investors who indicated a notification preference will usually have time put several sessions for training on their schedules throughout the year. The real online investor is an adventurer at heart and firmly believes that trading fast is how big money is made every day.

Some of the learning topics discussed during these sessions will deal with the cost of placing trades. Many brokerage firms will provide online traders with a certain number of free trades during every calendar month. Any trading activity that exceeds that generous quota are rumored by attendees as very reasonably priced. These low prices are meant to encourage more trader participation and not to devalue the art of online trading. Participation in these discussions will be brisk and at the end of the day, the online trader will have collected a surmountable list of brokers whose provide certain services at no charge.

The Top Ten Reasons To Start Karate

People often wonder why karate is such a popular activity. There must be a primary reason why someone would get involved in the martial arts. Actually there are many reasons for embarking on the study of martial arts but generally the main motivations boil down to my "Top Ten Reasons to Start Karate".
So think about what your main reason for starting karate is (or was) and see if it matches my "Top Ten".
1. Self-Defense - Were you ever bullied at school? Have you ever worried about how to protect yourself and your family in a dangerous situation or environment? Well, it seems that you're not alone because thousands of other current martial arts practitioners say that self-defense skills for today's world are the primary motivating factor for them to enroll
in karate classes.
2. Health and Fitness - Had enough of generic gym workouts? Sick and tired of the same old aerobics class with that annoying music? Many other people have had enough too and are now turning to the martial arts as a great way to improve their health and fitness while gaining many additional benefits through their training.
3. Discipline - This seems to be the number one reason quoted by parents of young children for joining a karate club. Discipline is one of the core tenets of the martial arts and if you are already the parent of a "wild child", then it's not too late to change their behavior through the time-tested methods of a qualified karate instructor.
4. Confidence - Do you lack self-confidence? Come on, be honest - do you tend to do what others tell you to do, or do you stand up for yourself and lead the way in your life? The fact is that the majority of people follow the crowd instead of leading the pack. The study of martial arts is the perfect template for developing core leadership skills and
improving self-confidence and many people are beginning to notice this. Have you noticed yet?
5. Self-Control - This can be defined as being the ability to appropriately monitor your own behavior and natural impulses when put under pressure by life's everyday challenges. The way you react to negative events or stress often defines who you are. Martial artists are by no means impervious to the trials and tribulations of life but they are often better equipped to deal with such obstacles through their constant and rigorous training.
6. A New Challenge - Are you tired of doing the same old thing day in and day out? Do you feel that you need a new direction in your life? A simple solution is to try something different and karate is a great activity with many hidden benefits - just look at this "Top Ten" list! Why not give it a try?
7. Social Interaction - Human beings by their nature need social interaction with other human beings. Often this need is met at home or at work but these environments are not always the most harmonious of places. Why not step out of your comfort zone? How about you make some new friends who share a common goal - that of self-improvement!
8. Spiritual Growth - Confusion in our modern world is a cause of immense stress and the need for spiritual guidance is great. Many people turn to religion for the answers to this angst, some people begin meditation or yoga, and others are turning to martial arts to reconnect with themselves and discover the true being within. Any of these methods can provide answers; it's up to you to discover which one works best for you personally.
9. Learning about a New Culture - Many modern martial arts can trace their roots back to different countries such as China, India, Japan, Korea, Greece, Philippines, Thailand, and numerous other countries. As the martial arts provide such a culturally rich background, they are often a great initial introduction to learning about our wider world, its history and its diverse cultures.
10. Because my Friend told me it was Fun - Have you ever watched a movie because a friend recommended it? Have you bought a new pair of shoes because you were told they were extremely comfortable? How about a new car? There are many examples in everyday life where we act based on trust in our loved ones' opinions. Beginning karate is no different and in many ways studying martial arts is a referral-based business.
So these are "The Top Ten Reasons to Start Karate" and if you haven't "stepped out on the mat" yet then I sincerely hope you take action soon. If you are already a karate practitioner, then congratulations on taking the first step on your rewarding journey.

Charged With Criminal Offence Immediately Consult Your Attorney

Whenever you are arrested or accused of crime it not only affects you but also your family, your present employment and future growth prospects. Therefore it is good and advisable to take a help from an experienced criminal lawyer, in case you have been accused of a criminal offence. 

Whenever you are arrested or accused of crime it not only affects you but also your family, your present employment and future growth prospects. Therefore it is good and advisable to take a help from an experienced criminal lawyer, in case you have been accused of a criminal offence. 

Simultaneously, it is also equally important that you do not give any statement to the police, until and unless advised by your attorney. This is because any statement can put you into a deeper trouble. You also need to ensure that you get a legal assistance, before cops file charges against you and record your statement. 

Knowledge and Experience 

Therefore in order to win the case for you must have a good and experienced criminal lawyer, in order to speak from your behalf. He would be able to help you in a number of ways by his vast knowledge and experience. In this regard some of the crucial points are placed below: 

1. A good experienced lawyer handle your case in proper manner as he possess knowledge of all the finer details concerned with criminal law. 

2. If you are not able to afford a good attorney then you can request the court to provide an attorney, who would fight the case from your behalf. 

3. A lawyer would represent you in the court of law and do thorough research concerned with your case. He also possesses knowledge of latest amendments and thus helps you in fighting your case more efficiently and aggressively. 

4. At the end if you are proven to be guilty, then a good criminal lawyer would shorten the severity and duration of your punishment. 

Lawyer Charges 

The cost of lawyer varies from one lawyer to another and depends a lot on the length of experience. The overall experience plays a vital role in determining the cost. Similarly if the lawyer has won a number of cases, then it is natural that his cost of services will be higher. The other important factor is reputation. Reputation is vital and plays a dominant role in determining the outcome of the case. 

A good reputation sells lawyer up to great extent, irrespective of the specialization he possesses like family lawyer, corporate lawyer, intellectual property lawyer (copyright, trademark patent), litigation lawyer, criminal lawyer, real estate lawyer, malpractice lawyer, personal injury lawyer or any other specialization. 

Finding a good lawyer 

Whenever you got confronted with any kind legal trouble the one person who can help you is an experienced criminal lawyer, as he has got the ability to help you out. It is also good to discuss with friends, business acquaintances and co-worker to get good references. You list of credential should give top priority to the experience. Apart from it you can also take the help on internet, for finding a good lawyer. These are some of the things you must consider while hiring a criminal lawyer.

When to Claim Compensation For An Accident

When do you actually ask for compensation from an accident? One does not know exactly when to pursue a claim. 

When little accidents happen, we are likely to forgive ourselves and forget the incident. But sometimes accidents cause us harm – bruises, cuts, burns. Some accidents may even cause damage to property or prevent us from working. In other terms, accidents leave psychological and emotional marks on us like trauma, anguish, sleeplessness, or embarrassment. 

If you are not sure whether you have a case or not, a checklist could probably help you decide if a personal injury is worth pursuing: 

• Have you or any family member, been injured in an accident? 
• Was it a slip, trip, or a fall? 
• Was it on the road, at work, or a car accident? 
• Was the accident someone’s fault? 

If you suffered an injury, which was not your fault, you can make a claim for the pain and suffering done to you, including all other losses and expenses such as medical expenses and earning losses. 

To determine a personal injury claim, you should be able to identify that the accident was caused by another person and proved the person’s culpability which lead to your injury or to damages. 

In most cases, when you get injured or suffered damages in the following accidents, you will need the services of a personal injury lawyer: 

• Vehicle accidents 
• Brain injury claim 
• Wrongful death claim 
• Premise liability claim 
• Animal attack 
• Product liability 
• Slip and fall accidents 
• General negligence 
• Medical malpractice 
• Medical malpractice claim 
• Spinal cord injury 
• Construction liability 

Personal injury can also mean any injury resulting from: 

• Libel 
• Slander 
• Malicious prosecution 
• Illegal arrest 

To help you assess your situation and determine your course of action, you have to engage the services of a personal injury lawyer. Personal injury lawyers specialize in obtaining claims caused by accidents and negligent actions. In most personal injury cases where litigation often takes years, you will have to consult the services of a skilled and experience personal injury lawyer. 

Whatever the cause of your personal injury, consulting an experienced personal injury lawyer will enable you to determine whether you have grounds for compensation or know what options to take. An experienced lawyer may have dealt with similar cases in the past and therefore has the relevant skills and knowledge to help win your claim. 

Therefore, to help you claim compensation for an injury, loss or damage incurred in an accident, it is essential to engage the legal services of a competent, knowledgeable and experienced lawyer. 

Benefits of Earning a Degree in Nursing

For those individuals who are looking for a career with long-term earning potential, lots of opportunity for advancement and a wide range of settings in which to work, those are just a few of the many advantages of earning a degree in nursing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the health care industry will grow by 21% by 2016, opening hundreds of thousands of jobs. 

The majority of those jobs will be in the home health care field, which will grow by 51%. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, the demand for registered nurses alone will increase by 35%, adding another 700,000 jobs to the marketplace. That means that there will be more opportunities than ever to find a job in nursing. In these economic times, ease of finding a job is a major plus to earning a degree in Nursing. 

Requirements for getting a job in the nursing field, however, are getting more stringent. It is no longer enough to have a diploma from a nursing school, not if you want a job that pays well and the ability to decide where and how you want to work. In fact, the highest paying jobs in nursing and health care will be going to those who have advanced degrees. 

Higher certification standards mean that those who do not have at least a nursing certification will not be able to work in the field at all. If your intent is to get a nursing job that pays well, a certificate or license is no longer enough. You really need a degree to expect a promotion to management or even floor management in nursing. 

Nurses with advanced degrees will find unexpected doors opening to them. More and more hospitals are requiring at least a B.S. in Nursing for their charge nurses and head nurses. A B.S. in nursing will also put you in the running for other management jobs, as well as for specialized jobs within the field of nursing. Those specialized fields may include Trauma Center nursing, pediatric nursing, psychiatric nursing or nutritional counseling. 

Other nursing degrees will give you more autonomy as a nurse than most Registered Nurses can expect. A nursing degree may open the door for you to become a nurse practitioner, with the ability to diagnose and prescribe for patients, or a nurse midwife. A nurse with a degree concentration in business and management may manage a nursing home, a hospice or a nutritional clinic. A nursing degree with a concentration in research can open the door to working in medical research. In short, as in any other career path, further education opens more doors to advance your nursing career both personally and professionally. 

Advantages of Earning a Degree in Nursing 

1. You’ll always be able to find a job. 

There’s more to this than the aging of the Boom Generation, too. Medical science is opening new doors in the health care industry from home health care to community nursing. There will always be jobs for qualified nurses, and those who have nursing degrees will always get hiring preference. 

2. You’ll be able to find a job anywhere you want to live. 

From the inner city to luxury suburbs, every community needs nurses. Whatever your ideal setting is, chances are good that the community will welcome you with a job and open arms. You can even choose to travel while you work – there are nursing jobs in the hospitality industry, including nursing jobs on cruise ships and in resort towns. Want to spend the winter in Fort Lauderdale and the summers on the shores of the Great Lakes? That’s doable, too. There are agencies that specialize in temp jobs for nurses in high demand cities. When you have a nursing degree, you can choose where you want to live and know that there will be a job. 

3. Nurses with degrees can command higher salaries. 

Nurses with an advanced degree can earn, on average, 25% to 50% more than non-degreed nurses, even in the same position. In addition, a nursing degree is a requirement for some of the highest paying jobs in nursing. Those jobs include head nurse and management jobs, jobs in hospital, nursing home and clinic management, industrial nursing jobs and nursing jobs in city, state and federal Public Health departments. 

4. A nursing degree gives you more career choices. 

Specialization is becoming the norm in all fields these days, but especially so in medicine. Advanced nursing degrees often offer you the opportunity to acquire specialized knowledge in a particular nursing field. That specialized depth of knowledge will allow you to work in higher paying jobs that have more of an effect on the world of medicine and on the patients with whom you work. 

Benefits of Earning a Degree in Nursing

For those individuals who are looking for a career with long-term earning potential, lots of opportunity for advancement and a wide range of settings in which to work, those are just a few of the many advantages of earning a degree in nursing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the health care industry will grow by 21% by 2016, opening hundreds of thousands of jobs. 

The majority of those jobs will be in the home health care field, which will grow by 51%. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, the demand for registered nurses alone will increase by 35%, adding another 700,000 jobs to the marketplace. That means that there will be more opportunities than ever to find a job in nursing. In these economic times, ease of finding a job is a major plus to earning a degree in Nursing. 

Requirements for getting a job in the nursing field, however, are getting more stringent. It is no longer enough to have a diploma from a nursing school, not if you want a job that pays well and the ability to decide where and how you want to work. In fact, the highest paying jobs in nursing and health care will be going to those who have advanced degrees. 

Higher certification standards mean that those who do not have at least a nursing certification will not be able to work in the field at all. If your intent is to get a nursing job that pays well, a certificate or license is no longer enough. You really need a degree to expect a promotion to management or even floor management in nursing. 

Nurses with advanced degrees will find unexpected doors opening to them. More and more hospitals are requiring at least a B.S. in Nursing for their charge nurses and head nurses. A B.S. in nursing will also put you in the running for other management jobs, as well as for specialized jobs within the field of nursing. Those specialized fields may include Trauma Center nursing, pediatric nursing, psychiatric nursing or nutritional counseling. 

Other nursing degrees will give you more autonomy as a nurse than most Registered Nurses can expect. A nursing degree may open the door for you to become a nurse practitioner, with the ability to diagnose and prescribe for patients, or a nurse midwife. A nurse with a degree concentration in business and management may manage a nursing home, a hospice or a nutritional clinic. A nursing degree with a concentration in research can open the door to working in medical research. In short, as in any other career path, further education opens more doors to advance your nursing career both personally and professionally. 

Advantages of Earning a Degree in Nursing 

1. You’ll always be able to find a job. 

There’s more to this than the aging of the Boom Generation, too. Medical science is opening new doors in the health care industry from home health care to community nursing. There will always be jobs for qualified nurses, and those who have nursing degrees will always get hiring preference. 

2. You’ll be able to find a job anywhere you want to live. 

From the inner city to luxury suburbs, every community needs nurses. Whatever your ideal setting is, chances are good that the community will welcome you with a job and open arms. You can even choose to travel while you work – there are nursing jobs in the hospitality industry, including nursing jobs on cruise ships and in resort towns. Want to spend the winter in Fort Lauderdale and the summers on the shores of the Great Lakes? That’s doable, too. There are agencies that specialize in temp jobs for nurses in high demand cities. When you have a nursing degree, you can choose where you want to live and know that there will be a job. 

3. Nurses with degrees can command higher salaries. 

Nurses with an advanced degree can earn, on average, 25% to 50% more than non-degreed nurses, even in the same position. In addition, a nursing degree is a requirement for some of the highest paying jobs in nursing. Those jobs include head nurse and management jobs, jobs in hospital, nursing home and clinic management, industrial nursing jobs and nursing jobs in city, state and federal Public Health departments. 

4. A nursing degree gives you more career choices. 

Specialization is becoming the norm in all fields these days, but especially so in medicine. Advanced nursing degrees often offer you the opportunity to acquire specialized knowledge in a particular nursing field. That specialized depth of knowledge will allow you to work in higher paying jobs that have more of an effect on the world of medicine and on the patients with whom you work. 

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Selling Expired Domain Names- Simple Ways to Monetize your Domain Trading Business

Selling expired domain names forms an important aspect of domain trading, and a domain trader who excels in this activity can accumulate internet riches within a short time. A domain trader who is also a seasoned web master will have an edge over an inexperienced trader. An expired domain name that displays a considerable amount of traffic tend to have a lot of commercial value and it may sell for a very high price. There are a few numbers of domain-trading entrepreneurs, who are earning thousands of dollars every year. With little bit of basic knowledge and trading skills, even you can buy and sell domains to make a handsome amount of profits. 

Here is some basic information and details that will help you conduct your domain trading business: 

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Step# 1: The first right step in domain trading business is finding a good and relevant keyword attached with the domain. Ensure that you are choosing a keyword not used frequently by people. A good keyword analyzer will help you evaluate and assess the commercial viability of a particular keyword. You can find a number of free keyword search tools in the market. But, they may not offer the best of features required to conduct a research. As far as possible, buy a good keyword tool that offers additional utilities to make your research better and complete. Paid keyword trackers also offer you additional details on a selected keyword like density, search probability and keyword demand placed by people. A carefully chosen keyword will assist you choosing the most suitable expired domain name. 

Step# 2: Monetizing an expired domain name means adding value and empowering it to earn more money for your efforts. Monetization is an economic activity of entailing an expired domain with an opportunity to earn meaningful income. Hence, you may wish to buy a web hosting package and design a good web site. You may ask why you need a web hosting package and a dedicated web site. You can use the designed web site to drive traffic from that site to the purchased expired domain. Your overall focus should be to ensure enough traffic to the domain. 

Step# 3: Selecting a good themed web site works wonder for your site visitors. You can even design a web site with a page or two to attract your visitors. If you wish you can add and incorporate relevant content to your web site. 

Step# 4: You will also need to help and assistance of other service providers to monetize the expired domain name. Possible ways of monetizing your expired domain are enrolling your web portal with a good affiliate program or other commercial programs like Adsense. These lucrative programs provide you an opportunity to earn income by the way of click-through commission. 

Step# 5: Traffic building is perhaps the best known monetization technique. If you are confident, you can even buy traffic from a commercial seller; ensure that you are buying a good pack of organic and generic traffic and not incentive ones. A good traffic pack will enable you to increase the overall traffic to your site by other portals. To enhance the viability of your traffic, you can register and upload the domain with major search engines and online directories. The ultimate secret to your expired domain trading business is to build links over a period, so that the domain becomes commercially ready to reap a rich harvest. 

Finally, when you feel that your expired domain is ready for auction with a rich deposit of traffic, you can initiate the process by subscribing to major auction sites. If the expired domain based site is good, you can expect to sell it for a premium price. 


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Stock Market Trading Your Best Investment

Your stock market trading dominions are your income. When you remain by your conventions you play in acquire. All the unvaried if you breach your own timber handling formulas the most believable termination is that you'll cease off realize. When you've an trusty stripe of capital dealing conventions it is essential to touch them in intelligence. Here is one learning that can gather advantages. Interpret these decrees preceding to your day beginnings and also interpret the conventions when your day ceases. 

Of course you need to abide by a band of finds if you acquire them. It is natural to want to breach or prefer decrees and it questions condition to continue behaving in conformity with the completed conventions. There are a lot of boldface dealers and sure-enough bargainers out there, but never any stale sheer dealers. Keeping your working capital basal safe is important to improve stock market trading.

A few dealers score a symmetric lower disposition for deprivation. The fundamental aim here is to bonk endowment betokens region the boundaries of your temperament for deprivation. Remain abreast of almost the executing of you gun stock and adhere your domesticity deprivation taper. This is a make that present allow you to aim the most taboo of arising buys in. Proceed getting and begetting individual at this one process of treatment. 

Never ascension up from unitary distributing practice to a distinct. Mastery one and exclusive forge instead of go just at applying a lot of manners. Never brook heed to extortionate belief most the option trading strategy or divide stocks you're handling or are already dealings. Everything is contemplated in the toll and intensiveness. 

What are your feelings concerning the stock market? Does it make you feel happy or sad? Would you be more comfortable with a plush infant's toy? This is the real world, and making money requires one to take risk. Sure, there are easier plays, but to make a lot of cash, one must be willing to gamble! Consider that the next time you find a bunch of gibberish on a web log or common page! Try the hamburger next time. 

In order to win in the stock exchange you do not demand to do anything prodigious. You merely necessitate to not doing what the ordinary bargainer acts. The average out bargainer is discrepant and ungoverned. Ask yourself daily, "Did I accompany my technique now?" If your reply is ordinal then you're distressed and it is time to recommit yourself stock market trading and option strategies dominions. 

Start Up Business Loans: To Help You Become Your Own Boss

To kick start a new business a person requires financial support. It is quiet well known that not every individual is able to collect enough money by themselves to start up their own business. That's when start up business loan comes handy. These business loans are specially crafted keeping in mind the requirements of those entrepreneurs who need capital for commencing their new business ventures. 

In the present economical scenario, it's not tough to obtain start up business loan in United Kingdom. The credit should be given to the flourishing fiscal sector and consumer oriented approach that simplify the entire process of obtaining loans. The similar loans are also provided by the private lenders who can easily be located online or offline. 

It is very important for you to understand start up business loans as you can avail them in the form of secured and unsecured loans depending on your business requirements. For unsecured business loans, you are required to have certain asset against the loan amount to avail the loan. This has a few advantages, like lower rate of interest and a longer term of repayment. Whereas, unsecured business loans can be availed without keeping any collateral and for a relatively shorter time period. 

Now it's simpler for those entrepreneurs to get start business loan who don't have a good past credit score. They can avail start up business loan from private lenders. You can use the given amount to meet any of the needs of your venture, such as renovating your office, buying machinery, tools and equipments for your business etc. So, start up business loans can be used in any way that suits the borrower. 

Obtaining these business funds is not at all a risky and tedious process but it does require you to have some prior knowledge & analysis on business loans. This will make sure that you get the best possible scheme available.

Getting Help

Often times, people who need help the most don’t get it. Unfortunately, for those who need to have alcohol rehab, many will not even have the opportunity. If you look at the faces of those people in rehab, you will see that they are the lucky ones. Many others, in slightly better or worse states of alcohol abuse will never make it this far. But, for those that are in alcohol rehab, they have the opportunity to pull through this disease and get the help they need and never touch a bottle or a drink again.
It is quite scary to realize that many individuals who get alcohol rehab are those that have been charged countless times with drunk driving. Unfortunately, it is not easy for any parent to realize that their child is learning to drive on a road surrounded by people who drink and drive. But, the reality is that most of the individuals who get into rehab only do it because they are being forced into it by law. This is simply not the right road to take.

Instead, for those who need help now, before they get behind the wheel of a car it is important to seek out that help. If you think about yourself for a moment, and think about how you feel about your drinking, you will find that deep down you know you need help. For those who think about the next drink, for those who wonder how they will pay for their next drink or those who get angry when someone asks if they have a problem…these are the people that need to seek help.
Alcohol rehab is not easy. But, it is life changing. It can take a person who is broken by the drug called alcohol and put them on the road to recovery. It is not simple. It is not painless. It is challenging work. But, for those that make it through alcohol rehab, it is the most rewarding of all experiences. It proves to them that they are stronger than any drug and their will power can and will see them through. For anyone who needs help, alcohol rehab centers are available in most cities. Take the first step and never look back at the horrible truths behind you.

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Using Your Credit Card at an ATM

It is so simple to do; it must be harmless, right? Using your credit card at an ATM works just like a debit card, right? It’s OK to use my credit card at an ATM machine because I’ll just pay off the debt later, right? If you asked those questions, you’d be wrong on all three counts.
That’s because there are lots of hidden dangers and costs when you use your credit card at an ATM, hidden dangers and costs that go a lot deeper than just the usual problems associated with building up debt and living beyond your means.
That’s because credit cards are set up to make maximum money when they are used at an ATM. They generally charge an extra fee of 2 to 4 percent on cash advances when they’re used at an ATM, and that’s on top of the usual transaction fees that the ATM’s bank will charge you. Plus, an ATM cash advance will also have an even higher interest rate on it than normal credit card purchases. So if you happen to let an ATM cash advance stay on your bill longer than the grace period, you’ll see steep interest payments the following month.
Grace period? Did we say grace period? In many cases, ATM cash advances have no grace period at all. That means that that interest starts to build up as soon as they money leaves the ATM machine and enters your pocket. And that interest grows every minute, every hour, and every day until you pay it off.
And speaking of paying it off, the credit card company may make it actually difficult to pay it off right away. That’s because some credit card companies have their systems designed to funnel your payments first to regular purchases. Then when you pay those off, and only when you pay those completely off, your payments go to paying off ATM cash advances.
How can credit cards get away with this, you ask? It’s like highway robbery. It kind of is. The only problem is that credit cards are private businesses, so they can set the terms of their business any way they want. If you don’t like those terms, then don’t do business with them. The real problem is that too many people take those terms. In fact, if ATM cash advances weren’t so popular, credit card companies might have to then actually loosen their terms!
The key for you then is to obviously avoid ATM credit card advances until very dire emergencies, and even then, only as the last resort of last resorts.

Loans For Every Occasion: Home Loans, Payday Loans, Student Loans And More...

At some point in life, it is almost guaranteed that you will be applying for a loan of some sort. Paying cash for products and services is not only becoming obsolete, it's terribly inconvenient. Today, credit is a way of life, and as more and more people begin to shop online, plastic is the currency accepted everywhere.
The most basic of loans is of course, the credit card. Companies that issue credit cards make money every month that you carry a balance, and they are betting on the fact that you won't pay off the balance every month.
Some loans actually make good business sense. Why would anyone want to shell out $300,000 for a new home when they could get a Home Loan and pay $1,000.00 a month, and then deduct the interest paid from their income taxes? That three hundred grand could be put to work in other investments, and could conceivably earn more for you than you are actually paying for the house! And all that time, if you time it right, your house becomes more and more valuable.
There are also times when for many people things just aren’t going well financially. An unexpected expense occurs and you find yourself just coming up short on your living expenses. Many types of loans exist for this type of situation, both secured and unsecured.
Maybe you just need some quick cash to get through the holidays, and intend to pay the loan off within the next few pay periods. Companies offering short term Payday Loans abound both on the Internet and off. Some with no credit check will transfer up to $1,500 into your bank account within 24 hours.
Student loans, auto loans, small business loans, personal loans, home loans, second mortgages, payday loans, government loans, bad credit loans, loans to consolidate other loans – there is a loan for just about any occasion out there.
The question is how much are you going to pay for your loan? And the answer to that depends in most cases on your credit history.
Your Credit History:Weather or not you get the loan, and how much it will cost you.
It is never too early to start establishing credit, and the best way to do this is with a credit card. If you are finding it difficult to obtain a credit card because you have no history, you can always buy your history by applying for a secured credit card or line of credit. Put down $500 or $1,000 and borrow against it. Make sure the institution you are applying to reports to the major credit bureaus, use the line of credit and pay your bills on time, and voila – you have a credit history! There is nothing wrong with carrying a balance over, just pay the minimum or a bit more, and pay it on time! Creditors like to think they will be making some money off of you.
What Lenders are Looking For
While different institutions have different criteria, there are some generalizations one can make about how they determine the creditworthiness of an applicant. Make no mistake about it; creditors are in the business of making money. If your credit is less than perfect, it doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t get the loan, but you will be paying more for it!
After receiving your application, a lender will then acquire a credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus, Equifax, Trans Union, or Experian. This is your credit history. Taking into account such factors as your income, the balances in your checking and savings accounts, the assets you own, the length of time you have been at your current job and place of residence, the amount you owe other creditors, and how promptly you pay your bills, the potential lender will then make a determination on if you will get the loan, and how much they will charge you for it.
Frequent late payments, bankruptcy, repossessions, legal judgment liens, or accounts being turned over to collection agencies do not bode well for obtaining a loan. That being said, most creditors realize that life happens, and such legitimate circumstances like an unexpected illness, injury, or the loss of your job do not necessarily reflect negatively on your creditworthiness.
When Things Take a Turn for the Worse
If you are in the process of paying on a loan or loans and one of these unforeseen circumstances befall you, talk to your loan officer. Most loan institutions find it in their best interest to work with the lendee, and will often make the necessary arrangements to make it easier for you to make your payments. Just remember, they want their money, and the last thing they want is for you to default on your loan, or heaven forbid, declare bankruptcy!

Online Classes

You don’t know where to begin when you are looking for certain online classes. The search results are ultimately endless. Even if you search a particular topic the online classes for that subject search results are going to keep you busy for a while choosing the right one.
In some cases the online classes offer e-books and other materials for training, however in other cases the online classes are actually a virtual schoolroom on the Internet. Online classes, depending on which one you choose most of the time carries a fee of one kind or another as well as different options as far as payment plans, and these choices are left up to you. You can even enroll for these online classes by using the web site in which class or classes you have chosen to take. In a lot of circumstances, even the testing and exams are done on the Internet via the online classes.
Yet, you should be careful, and read the web site well on whichever of the online classes you are checking on, some will cost more as time goes on, after the initial fee, it’s the small print that gets you at times. Also read the terms and agreements form as well. This is really important when it comes to online classes, because when you are actually taking these online classes, you want to be sure they are legitimate and not superficial. You want to get that degree or diploma, certificate, whatever the end result would be. There are ways of reassuring that the online classes you are looking into are legitimate through other web searches.
Some online classes are offered through actual colleges, while other online classes are basically offered by an independent web site institution of some kind, but they all should have some form of proving they are legitimate.
As far as cost, of course that is all going to vary depending on what online classes you want to take, how many you want to take, and of course from where you are taking the online classes through.
Having general access to the Internet helps in these procedures as well as gives you the variety of finding the online classes you need. If for some reason you do a search and can’t seem to find certain online classes in your search, try looking at various colleges, sometimes they are listed that way by the search engines.
Taking online classes today is as normal as walking into a classroom. There is such a high variety of subjects and career opportunities and with the use of technology more people are taking advantage of the Internet and signing up for more online classes.
Ultimately, there are some online classes also available where you can train or learn at your own pace. You aren’t shoved into one phase to another until you are ready. With this type of online classes you can do it in your spare time or after work, whenever you get the chance. By simply using online classes.

5 Phases Of Recovery

Here one way to look at phases of recovery, milestones to mark your progress. Addiction recovery can be thought of as moving through these five phases:
1. Admission of a problem
This is the key starting point. If there is no addiction problem then there certainly is no need for a solution to addiction. There is a certain logic to that. What would prevent someone from admitting they have an addiction problem? Well, how about memory distortion caused by their chemical dependency. There is a jazzy phrase called 'euphoric recall' which is the tendency to only remember the good times and positive experiences of using. That is half of the equation, at the same time we are suppressing or refusing to remember the far more numerous times where indulging in the addiction has caused pain and embarrassment. Another block to admitting the problem is our distorted defense mechanisms, such as minimizing, rationalizing and good old fashioned denial. If we get to the point that we acknowledge there is a problem and want to do something about it now, we can move on to the next phase of recovery which is compliance.
2. Compliance
What is meant by compliance here is going along with the most important seeing and agreeing to the concept of abstinence. This early phase of recovery usually involves little emotional insight into the whys of the addiction; the concentration is simply on 'don't do it??? on a daily basis. Once we accept compliance as a necessary part of recovery, we can move toward the whys and wherefores. But it is not unusual to pass through the next phase of recovery which is defiance.
3. Defiance
Defiance can rear its head in several ways the most damaging is in the form of believing that the terms of addiction don't apply to me. Picking and choosing what is to be done and not. done An example might be rejection of continuing care believing that is for others not me, or I have been 'good' for awhile I deserve to use again now that I proved I can quit. Another example of defiance can be becoming engaged in anger toward others who do not have your affliction or getting on the pity pot with the 'poor me's'. Defiance and anger can also be a block toward connecting and resolving with your emotions and feelings that underlie the blanketing emotion of anger.
4. Acceptance
One of my favorite philosophers was Popeye The Sailor Man, he used to say "I y'am what I y'am". However you come to accept your addiction whether you believe it is a no fault illness, or you simple got dealt a bad hand in life, accepting your addiction allows you to move out of the problem and into the solution. People who are accepting are generally less defensive and have a greater sense of emotional and personal identity. Acceptance is the first step toward beginning to trust yourself and others, and open the possibilities of self-evaluation.
5. Surrender
We are not talking about submission but rather surrender they are very different. Submission is a temporary yielding, it tends to leave the escape hatch of returning to the addiction open. There is an implication of force being used or submitting against your will. Surrender can be thought of as wholehearted acceptance and compliance. It is a voluntary action and does not mean being defeated as does submission, but rather a conscious decision not to participate. A boxer who has been knocked out has submitted to the power of his opponent. A boxer who has retired and does not climb in the ring any more has surrendered to the idea that he no longer chooses to fight.
In summing up the points made above we can say that progress in addiction recovery can be made by admitting there is a problem and seeing the need for change. We move through negativity and emotional blocks to our recovery to arrive at a point of acceptance. Our acceptance of the need to change eventually moves through an attitude of being defeated to voluntarily seeking a better life. Stringing these concepts together can be viewed as movement through the phases of recovery.

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